Système de refroidissement/ Capitonnage HumideDans les climats où la ventilation est insuffisante, un système de refroidissement des serres est requis. Le type de système de refroidissement dépend de…
other product 11Processing tube ends with diameters from 3/4" – 2" including flattening, cutting and perforating the end.
other product 10Manufacture of closed clamps for tubes with diameters from 1" to 3" including post-production zinc coating. Metals 3-4mm thick and 30-40mm wide.
other product 12Manufacture of omega brackets for tubes with diameters from 1" to 3", including zinc coating after manufacture. Metals 3-4mm thick and 30-40mm wide.
other product 9Processing tube ends with diameters from 3/4" – 4" including bending the end and perforation (tube thicknesses up to 4mm).
other product 8Gildan supplies 60-300mm joists including round and oval perforations of various diameters.
Control System"Creating a climate" Gildan supplies a range of system and devices for controlling the greenhouse climate. The programmable climate controller will include a meteorological…
Utilisation d’écransPOURQUOI UTILISER DES ÉCRANS? L'utilisation d'écrans comporte de nombreux avantages pour le climat de culture à l'intérieur de la serre. Influencez le climat et…
Systèmes d’irrigationNotre entreprise conçoit et fournit un système d'irrigation qui va des systèmes semi-automatiques à des systèmes entièrement informatisés sur-mesure qui sont faciles à utiliser…
Milieux de cultureGildan fournit et installe plusieurs types de milieux de culture, le tout sur mesure et conçus pour le client individuel, quelles que soient les…
Systèmes de chauffage de serreGildan approvisionne et installe plusieurs types de systèmes de chauffage à effet de serre, tous faits sur mesure pour les climats spéciaux ou extrêmes.…
Other Product 7Gildan supplies aluminum profiles for closing plastic and netting structures. Channel-type profile including a spring clip and special profile for gutters including stainless steel…
Other Product 6Manufacture of clamps for profiles of width 60-120mm including post-production zinc coating. Metals 3-4mm thick and 30-40mm wide.
Other Product 4Manufacture of clamps for tubes with diameters from 1" to 3" including post-production zinc coating.